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Romaji Title: HONEY BEE
Kanji Title: HONEY BEE
English Title: HONEY BEE

English CreditsKanji Credits

You were kneeling
You said "I love you body and soul"

On a flower-patterned bed
We were that firery, weren't we
You said, Ah, I can't take it anymore
I won't forget that face, yo, honey bee

Flying on a gentle breeze
I'll pierce excessively with love, yo, honey bee

Flying around in the night
Sucking the honey from all sorts of different flowers
If you can't love me anymore
I'll pierce you with love, and kill you, yo, honey bee

You were kneeling
You said "I love you body and soul"

Flying on a gentle breeze
I'll pierce excessively with love, yo, honey bee

A small passing fantasy
If you say that you can't love me anymore
I'll be with you forever
Let's sleep in a flower garden honey

Yo, honey
Yo, honey bee
Yo, honey bee

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