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Members:Kamijo (Vocals), Hizaki (Guitar), Teru (Guitar), Jasmine You (Bass), Yuki (Drums)

Kamijo (formerly of Lareine and New Sodomy) and Hizaki (formerly of Sulfuric Acid) formed the group in 2006, with Jasmine You (formerly of Jyakura) to join shortly after. Some time afterward in 2007, Teru (formerly of Aikaryu) and Yuki (formerly of Sugar Trip) would join the group as well. The screening process for membership was very selective, as the image of the group was carefully crafted by Kamijo and Hizaki. Most of the recruiting announcements were done via a blog, and a My Space page was set up for the group shortly after their formation as well.

A contract would shortly be signed with a German record label (CLJ Records) shortly after their debut, resulting in their music being released in both Japan and Europe.

In 2007 Hizaki would also start his own project called Hizaki Grace Project. Versailles members Teru and Jasmine You also have involvement in this project.

The Red Carpet DayEnglishRomajiKanji

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