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The unabbreviated name of the project is "Takanori Makes Revolution", named for frontman Nishikawa Takanori. Though Asakura Daisuke and Inoue Akio have pretty much always written the music and lyrics respectively for T.M. Revolution, it is basically Nishikawa's solo project, featuring himself, and the rest of his band as backup musicians. Nishikawa is a high school dropout who pursued a music career, starting with the visual kei group Luis-Mary in 1990, as the vocalist. The group broke up in 1993. In 1999, Nishikawa announced the end of T.M. Revolution. With Asakura, he went on to form the end of genesis T.M.R.evolution turbo type D. Asakura was a featured musician, and even appeared in the music videos alongside Nishikawa. Three singles and one album were released, before Asakura and Nishikawa grew apart, and Nishikawa ressurected T.M. Revolution once again in 2000. In 2006, Nishikawa released a self-cover album of his older tracks. His musical style for these self covers switched from his usual techno-rock style, to a more predominantly heavy metal style. Other noteable things to happen to Nishikawa were him being the host of NHK music TV program Pop Jam in 2005.