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Rag Fair

Romaji Title: nana korobi ya oki
Kanji Title: 七転び八起き
English Title: Fall Seven Times, Get Up Eight

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics & Music : Tsuchiya Reiou

The title of this song is a Japanese proverb that basically states that you should always rise after a fall, never give up, etc. What they mean by "the first spring storm", is the old saying that when spring comes around, people fall in love/are horny. Also, Inoki is the name of a Japanese pro-wrestler who is often made fun of for his grunting and such (thanks to Moka for that one, as well as the other help on this song!)

Oops, I tripped; In a fierce dash, I fell down
I skinned my knee, but earlier I found a 2000 yen bill

I asked for a large helping, but got a normal one; anyway you look at it, it's normal
Getting my nerve up, I asked about my large helping

Sadness, bounce around
Like a bouncy ball, like a ball
If you don't hit it, it won't bounce
Happiness, bounce around too
Giving it another try, I'll jump over it
Even if it's a little bit

I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom, brush brush brush
My Clearasil was more foamy than usual, and that was good

A long absent love, my heart is pounding quite a bit
Gathering my nerve, I almost wanted to tell her

That outfit is the first spring storm, anyway you look at it, the first spring storm
I tried to talk to you, being that you were an Inoki fan

I'll steadily build up my sadness
Like those building blocks, like bricks
Just happiness and sand
I'll steadily build up my happiness
There will be times when I'll rely on people
Just a little

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