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Hirahara Ayaka

Romaji Title: ashita
Kanji Title: 明日
English Title: Tomorrow

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics : Matsui Gorou
Music : Andre Gagnon
作曲:Andre Gagnon

Even though I said "I'll always be by your side"
Now I'm looking alone at the night sky, a fleeting promise

Certainly we'll pass by each other somewhere in this city
When that happens, it would be nice to see you while smiling

I won't cry, I won't be defeated
I can get past these feelings, because there's always tomorrow

If there is a continuation to the book that I softly closed
The pages have nothing written on them yet

I won't cry, I won't run away
My dear dreams, this is not the end of them

The stardust, the radiance
Reaching out my hands now, I'll put them away in my heart
Tomorrow is a new day, and I'll begin new

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