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Henshin Tigers logo

Hayashibara Megumi

Romaji Title: sakura saku
Kanji Title: サクラサク
English Title: Cherry Blossoms Blooming

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics & Music : Okazaki Ritsuko
Arrangement: Sogawa Tomoji

This was the opening theme to the anime "Love Hina".

Atop the roof, looking at the sky, the sunlight is bright
Looking at the sky, energy rises up throughout my body

That's so wonderful! I'm alive!
I can't stop, or give up

Goodbye to bewildered yesterday
My feelings are bubbling over
I can revive any number of times, I'm going to bloom a flower
Memories are always sweet hiding places
But break away in order to live tomorrow
The time for a blessing will come, reach out your hands

My hands can't yet reach your soft and beautiful skin
The expanding image when I close my eyes is a charming fruit

That's so wonderful! I'm alive!
I can't stop, or give up

Each day continues on forever like raging waves
Going back and forth like heaven and hell
I can revive any number of times, I'm going to bloom a flower
Run, run, until you have love in your hands
If I'm to suffer, then I wish for it
The time for a blessing will come, reach out your hands

Goodbye to bewildered yesterday
My feelings are bubbling over
I can revive any number of times, I'm going to bloom a flower
Memories are always sweet hiding places
But break away in order to live tomorrow
The time for a blessing will come, reach out your hands

Reach out your hands, put up both hands

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