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ikimono gakari

Romaji Title: kaze ni fukarete
Kanji Title: 風に吹かれて
English Title: Blown By the Wind

English CreditsKanji Credits
Lyrics & Music : Miyamoto Kouji

The sparkling sun is mine
And the glittering moon, yes, that's one of your tears
You made the regular face; Yes, you were blown by
The same wind as usual, and you disappeared

In each normally passing day
There wasn't anything to be afraid of
The truth is that with this, yes, the truth is that like this
Everything is wonderful

Tomorrow we'll probably run down
Our own seperate roads
We'll be blown by the wind

Goodbye to today
To the kindness that was here up until yesterday
Wave your hand, and set off on your trip
Be blown by the usual wind

Once I get past the same old town that I've gotten used to seeing
I feign ignorance in the corner of a towering building
I can hear it somewhere far away; That's right, I can hear it somewhere far away
When I listen to the sounds of the city

Sadness pretends that it's kindness
It will probably envelop this town
Until I go to see you

Goodbye to today
To the kindness that was here up until yesterday
Wave your hand, and set off on your trip
Be blown by the usual wind

This room (that I'm getting used to seeing)
And our gentle dreams
Wave your hand at them, and set off on your trip
Be blown by the usual wind

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