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Wakeshima Kanon

Kanji Name:分島花音

At the suggestion of her parents, Wakeshima began playing the cello when she was 3 years old. She began activity as a musician when she was in middle school.

She began singing when she entered high school, and entered a Sony Music audition while she was still a student. She made it to be a finalist in that audition. After that, she entered into a contract with Sony Music. She is the
first Japanese artist to debut as both a cellist and a vocalist.

After signing her contract, she met former Malice Mizer member and Moi dix Mois founder Mana. Mana was intrigued by her style, so Mana took charge of her debut and produced her.

See PVs

still dollEnglishRomajiKanji
suna no oshiroEnglishRomajiKanji

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